I E P s
Every child with a disability who is eligible for exceptional student education (ESE) will have an individual education plan (IEP). An IEP is a written plan for the special education of a child with a disability.
The IEP is like a road map. It describes what the child can already do and what the child needs to learn in order to reach his or her goals. The IEP also identifies the kinds of help the child needs in order to learn.
Your child's IEP will be written by a team of people at an IEP meeting. The IEP team will decide which special services and supports your child needs in order to make progress.
You are an important member of the IEP team. This guide will help you know what to expect during the IEP meeting, so that you will feel more comfortable and be able to participate effectively in the process.
The IEP is written for your child only. |
There is only one IEP at a time for your child. |
The IEP is a plan for up to 12 months of your child's education. However, you may ask for an IEP meeting at any time you believe it is important to consider changes in you child's IEP. |
The following people could be at the IEP meeting:
you (both parents if possible) |
your child, if appropriate |
at least one exceptional student education (ESE) teacher who provides or may provide services to your child |
your child's general education teacher |
someone who understands and can explain the evaluations that have been done for your child (This may be one of the people who is already on this list.) |
a person from the school system who can make sure that your child gets the services listed on the IEP |
other people invited by you or the school HOW CAN I GET READY FOR THE IEP MEETING?
HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING? Bring paper, a pen, and any records or evaluations of your child. At the meeting, the IEP team is counting on you to:
At the end of the meeting, review the proposed IEP. If you wish, let the team know you would like to take the IEP home to think about it before signing. If you think the IEP is not finished, ask for another meeting. Once the IEP is complete, the school will give you a free copy. Keep it in your records. MAKE SURE THE IEP COVERS........
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE IEP MEETING? After the first IEP has been written, you will be asked to give written consent, the school will begin implementing the IEP by providing specially designed instruction and services. Check that all the plans are being carried out and that your child is making progress. Continue to look over your child's school work, keep in touch with your child's teachers, and visit your child's class. (Call the school first.) The IEP must be updated at least every 12 months. However, you may ask for an IEP meeting at any time you believe it is important to consider changes in you child's IEP. If you disagree with the IEP, the law provides a process for resolving differences. You may schedule another meeting. You may seek mediation, ask for a due process hearing, or file a formal complaint with the Florida Department of Education. For more information, talk to the ESE administrator in you local school district office.
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services |