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Student and Family Resources

Guidebook for families interested in information on mental health concerns and treatment.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Information for families on mental illness/disorders in children and adolescents. Resources include Parent Medication Guides to help families and physicians make informed decisions when treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, or bipolar disorder.

American Academy of Pediatrics
A professional organization for Pediatricians that contains consumer publications and public health information on topics related to children.

American Humane Association
Information and advocacy to assist in ensuring the well-being of children.

American Psychological Association
A professional organization for psychologists that hosts a web-based consumer help center addressing psychological issues that affect daily physical and emotional well-being.

Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)
Information on anxiety disorders and symptoms of depression in children and teenagers, along with resources and tips for parents and caregivers.

Anxiety in Teens
Resources, support and information for teens coping with anxiety.

ARIA Addiction Recovery Institute of America  
Information on struggling with substance abuse 

Autism and Mental Health Issues - University of South Florida, Center for Autism and Related Disorders
Guidebook on mental health issues affecting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Boston Medical Center, Child Witness to Violence Project
Information for parents and caregivers of young children who are victims of domestic and community violence and other trauma-related events.

Center for Injury Research and Prevention at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
A resource for parents, caregivers and professionals on the impact of injury and medical trauma on children and strategies to support their recovery.

Center for Traumatic Stress in Children & Adolescents
A center for treatment and ongoing research related to trauma in children and adolescents with information on national, regional and local trainings and presentations.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Information and tools for health promotion including reduction of injury, violence and safety of adults and children.

Character Education Partnership
Tools, methods, and strategies to implement social, emotional and ethical reforms in schools and foster the character development of youth.

Child Help, USA
A national resource for prevention, intervention and treatment of child abuse.

Child Mind Institute
Services, information, and training for families and providers on effective treatments for childhood psychiatric and learning problems.

Documenting, Reporting and Monitoring the Use of Seclusion and Restraint on Students with Disabilities (Florida Department of Education)
An informational brochure for parents on the use of seclusion and restraint on students with disabilities (FDOE).

Enhancing Career Development Engagement and Self-Determination for Young Adults with Mental Health Diagnoses
A review of key factors to intervening and working toward successful employment for young adults with mental health diagnoses.

Evaluations for Special Education Services -IDEA
An informational handout for parents on response to instruction/interventions and requests for evaluation.

Family Café
Annual, statewide conference for individuals with disabilities and their families to network with state agencies, non-profit organizations and service providers.

Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
A State of Florida resource for services, information, training, and public policy related to domestic violence

Florida Department of Education
Information on Florida’s education system, special programs and resources for families and educational professionals.

Florida Department of Education – Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services
Information from the bureau that administers Florida’s educational programs for gifted students and those with disabilities.

Florida Health and Transition Services
Collaborative program to help ensure successful transition from pediatric to adult health care, including those with disabilities, chronic health conditions, or other special health care needs.

Florida Inclusion Network
Consultation, learning opportunities and support to educators, families, and community members for the inclusion of all students.

Florida Positive Behavior Supports
Information and training opportunities on Positive Behavior Support (PBS) for school personnel, family members, and agencies.

Florida Rule: Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (E/BD)
Florida Administrative Code on Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities.

IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEA is the principal law ensuring services to children with disabilities. IDEA governs states and public agencies that provide early intervention, special education and related services.

International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
Detailed information on treatment, research and recovery supports for those with OCD, their families, and treatment providers.

Lives in the Balance
Audio, video and print resources on working with children described as challenging, angry and defiant.

Mental Health America
Advocacy, education, research and service information on the prevention and recovery of mental health and substance abuse challenges.
One-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information for a variety of public and professional audiences.

National Alliance on Mental Illness
Information on mental illness and links to resources for individuals and families in need.

National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health
Resources and information for families and communities to increase adolescents' access to integrated physical, behavioral, and sexual health care that reduce health risk behaviors, lead to early identification of health issues, and assist individuals to take on responsibility for managing their health conditions.

National Association of School Psychologists
A professional organization with resources for school psychologists, families and educators seeking to improve students’ learning, behavior, and mental health.

National Association of School Psychologists - Crisis Safety Resources
Free resources and tip sheets for parents and educators to help children cope with violence.  

National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
Information, training, and supports for professionals, policymakers, and parents seeking to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.

National Center for Children Exposed to Violence
Research, information and professional tools to help reduce violence and its impact on children.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Information, training and research to improve the quality and access to services for traumatized children, families and communities.

National Children’s Advocacy Center
A national center that offers research, training, intervention, and prevention information needed to respond effectively to child abuse and neglect.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
A national resource for services, information, training, and public policy related to domestic violence.

National Disability Rights Network
Legally-based information and advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
Comprehensive information on disabilities in children and families, easy-to-read information on IDEA and links to local resources.

National Institute of Mental Health
Information pertaining to prevention, recovery, and cure of mental illness.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Toll-free, 24-hour confidential suicide prevention hotline.

OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Information on effective school-wide disciplinary practices and ways families can support positive behavioral interventions in schools.

Pathways Research and Training Center for Transition-Age Youth
Resources and information on effective service delivery for transition-aged youth with serious emotional and behavioral challenges.

Project 10, Transition Education Network
Florida’s statewide discretionary project for supporting the secondary transition of youth with disabilities.

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Information, support services and advocacy targeting sexual violence.

The Reach Insititue 
Research, training and video content for families, educators, and professionals caring for children with mental health disorders.

Response to Instruction/Intervention (RtI) for Parents and Community (PowerPoint Presentation)
A PowerPoint overview of FDOE Response to Intervention framework and the ways it enhances academic supports and outcomes for students.

SAMHSA's Resource Center to Promote Acceptance, Dignity and Social Inclusion Associated with Mental Health (ADS Center)
Provides an online resource library, technical assistance and training to promote acceptance and social inclusion for people with mental illness.

SAMSHA System of Care Core Values- Family Driven Care
Defines and identifies guiding principles for Family and Youth Driven Care as well as communities that portray these principles.

Strength of Us
An online community for connecting and inspiring young adults who have been impacted by mental health disorders with various resources for overcoming the challenges faced.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
Data, grants and leadership focused on the national effort to promote mental health and prevent substance abuse.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Disaster Technical Assistance Center
Resources to support States, Territories, Tribes, and local entities to deliver an effective mental health and substance abuse (behavioral health) response to disasters.

Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention
Products and resources to improve social-emotional outcomes for young children with, or at risk for, delays or disabilities.

The Child Mind Institute
This site provides resources for building awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental health disorders including a mental health guide, effective treatments, and access to networking online with experts in the field.

The Children’s Mental Health Network
The site of the national network offers up to date news in the field of children’s mental health to promote advocacy and awareness. Also offers analysis of current key issues in the field including legislation and policy.

The National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health
Focused on partnership with families and community providers to build effective services for children with or at-risk of mental health disorders. Various resources and online trainings are offered through site with links to other partner organizations.

Trauma Center at the Justice Resource Institute
A non-profit trauma center that provides clinical services to victims of trauma, and training, consultation, and educational programming for post-graduate mental health professionals.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children and Families, Child Welfare Information Gateway
Comprehensive information and resources for child welfare and related professionals to help protect children and strengthen families.

United States Institute of Peace, Global Peacebuilding Center
Educational programs and online resources and activities to introduce youth to key concepts in conflict management and peacebuilding.

Wrights Law
Information on special education law and advocacy for children with disabilities, including a free online newsletter called the “Special Ed Advocate.”

Youth Move National
Information and resources on a national, youth-led organization focused on improving services and systems to youth that have experienced the mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare systems.

This website was developed by the Hendry County School Board through the Multiagency network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET) which is a discretionary grant project funded by the Florida Department of Education, Division of Public Schools, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through Federal assistance Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B.