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Classroom Tech

The Technology Department is dedicated to providing information, communication, technology, and media literacy to ensure Hendry County students and staff lead and learn through the use of innovative technologies to be successful in tomorrow’s world.

The Technology Department oversees technology in the district and its application in the classroom.  The key components consist of:

Connected Classrooms:  The equipment that transforms traditional classrooms into digital learning environments where learners can see, hear and interact with digital content.

Device Assisted Learning & Instruction: Ensuring teachers, students, staff and administrators have persistent access to a computing device.

Systems for Learning: Curricular resources & content in digital formats as well as tools essential to management, collaboration, and communication.

Professional Learning: Supporting, training, and developing staff to extend the reach of instruction, enhance access to data and expand learning opportunities. 

Emily Goderich, Director of Technology 

Francisco Muñoz, Assistant Director of Technology


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