K-12 Computer Literacy and Computer Science Initiative
Our K-12 Computer Literacy/Computer Science Initiative goal is to provide opportunities for all K-12 students to build foundational computer skills as well as apply content knowledge through authentic learning experiences utilizing technology. This is a new and exciting initiative which will continually evolve over the next few years.
Year 21-22
- Instructional Tech Specialists working with classrooms on integrated tech projects
- K-5 - 1 integrated planning per quarter
- At least one technology integrated lesson per grade level for all classes.
- Complete K-5 Computer Literacy/Science Scope and Sequence
- Build plan for Kinder students using Chromebooks to begin to build those foundational skills
- Implement Keyboarding for K-5
- Computer orientation for all students K-12
- Amazon Future Engineers project - 6-8
- Level 1 implementation
Year 22-23
- Instructional Tech Specialists working with classrooms on integrated tech projects
- K-5 - 1 integrated planning per quarter
- At least one technology integrated lesson per grade level for all classes.
- Implement 6-12 Integrated Planning
- K-5 - 1 integrated planning per quarter
- Complete 6-12 Computer Literacy/Science Scope and Sequence
- Kinder students using Chromebooks to begin to build those foundational skills
- Continue Keyboarding for K-5
- Computer orientation for all students K-12
- Amazon Future Engineers project - 6-8
- Level 2 Implementation